Removing the mask- Step Two

Two heads of people with mechanical gears inside their brainsSo, this step may seem a bit out there and there is a concept that needs to be understood in order to take the step and the concept is – results.

What is showing up in your life- in your job, your friendships, your relationships, your bank account etc. are the results of your thinking, or more specifically, the results of your sub-conscious thinking; what is underneath your mask, what your frequency level is or your vibration if you like.

What you are attracting into your life is what you are. You are being matched. Everything that is external to you is a reflection of what is internal, in your sub-conscious mind. This is a very simplified version of the observer effect- what we see is based on what we believe to be real- therefore the results of our thinking are what we experience. If you have watched What The Bleep you will know what I am talking about.

They are the clues. That is the information you have to work with.

So this step is- Think about someone that you are really close too. It could be a friend, a family member or your partner.

Get  a really clear picture of them in your mind, noticing what you notice about them.

Think about the things that they do, or ways that they behave that you would love to give them some un-solicited advice about- (they are not going to hear you!)- what would you like to say to them along the lines of – do you know, if you just changed that …… you could be soooo much happier/better/wealthier/organized etc.

Really get a sense of, if they made those changes, the impact it could have on their life.

And how does that make you feel?

What do those changes mean to you? Not, what the impact would be on you, but what would those changes mean to you if you were making them. eg. If you were to be more careful with what you eat it would mean you were honoring your body more. Go deeper, there will be another level- if you are honoring your body more, that means your sense of self love would be greater.

Then……and here is the step to change– look at where you are doing the same behaviour in your life, look beneath the story.

Using the example above- where are you not honoring you? How are you not loving yourself enough? What beliefs or behaviours, deep down, under your mask, are you seeing dramatized in others- What are the results of your sub-conscious thinking that are showing up and being played out in your life?

Another layer of the mask revealed to love and embrace and release.

Blessings to your self empowerment xx



DID YOU KNOW?… The Three Principles based approach to coaching I now follow is all about getting you to see, for yourself, the inside out nature of the human experience. And seeing (and feeling) that life works from the Inside Out is truly transformational!
